Rolling Sky Wikia

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Rolling Sky Wikia

Below are unofficial names for the themes (in order of appearance) with the earliest level that they appeared in:

Massif (Level 1)

Cosmos (Level 1)

Forest (Level 1)

Neon (Level 1)

Inferno (Level 2)

Snowfield (Level 2)

Ice (Monody)

Metallic Ice (Monody)

Candy Daytime (Candy)

Candy Midnight (Candy)

Desert (Level 4)

City (Noir) (Level 6)

City (Coloured) (Level 6)

Laser (Level 7)

Neon Laser (Level 7)

Neon Green (Level 7)

Russia (Level 8)

Tetris (Level 8)

Beat (Level 9: The E-Labrynth Adventure)

Dark Beat (Level 9: The E-Labrynth Adventure)

Red Beat (Level 9: The E-Labyrinth Adventure)

Purple Beat (Level 9: The E-Labyrinth Adventure)

Winter (Level 10: Castle in the Sky)

Melting Winter (Level 10: Castle in the Sky)

Hot Castle (Level 10: Castle in the Sky)

Halloween (Level 11: Halloween)

Halloween (Noir) (Level 11: Halloween)

Halloween Forest (Level 12: Ghost Dance)

Alien Territory (Level 13: Deep Space)

Abduction (Level 13: Deep Space)

Christmas (Level 14: Christmas)

Evening Christmas (Level 14: Christmas)

Bamboo (Level 15: KungFu)

Red-wood (Level 15: KungFu)

Black & White Pixels (Level 16: 1UP)

Black & Blue Pixels (Level 16: 1UP)

Black & Green Pixels (Level 16: 1UP)

Vanilla Ruins (Level 17: Cube)

Gold Ruins (Level 17: Cube)

Castle Poker (Level 18: Poker)

Castle Joker (Level 18: Poker)

Jamaican (Level 19: Reggae)

Dupstep Forest (Level 19: Reggae)

Under City (Level 20: Relics)

Sky City (Level 20: Relics)

Basketball Alley (Level 21: Street Basketball)

Neon Basketball (Level 21: Street Basketball)
