Rolling Sky Wikia

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Rolling Sky Wikia

The shop is an area of Rolling Sky that can be found through the Home Screen by pressing the Shop Button. It allows playing to buy items that can offer them help during the game. (Note: All prices featured below are priced in USD[$] and English Pounds[£].)

Free Version

10 balls can be obtained by viewing an ad. 500 balls can be bought for $0.99 (£0.79) and unlimited balls can be bought for $1.99 (£1.49).

Both Versions

Shields be obtained by watching an ad. 6 shields can be obtained for $0.99 (£0.79), 27 for $3.99 (£2.99), and 99 for 12.99 (£9.99). At the top of the screen, there will be section titled "My power-ups", where you can view how many balls, shields, and keys you currently have.

Special Offers (Free Version)

There was a special offer around Christmas in 2016. Players could buy 800 balls and 20 shields for $3.99 (£2.99) which was a 20% off deal. They could also buy 200 balls, 39 shields and 6 keys for $8.99 (£6.99) which was a 30% off deal.
