Rolling Sky Wikia

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Rolling Sky Wikia
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 Midnight Carnival is a 22th level in Rolling Sky and the alternative of Level 11: Halloween. In with the update, you will have the "Eyeball" character, too. This level uses some of Halloween features and put it on the level. The level's themes are Vampire Territory, Graveyard (theme) and Pumpkin Forest.


Cheetah Mobile has recovered a song "In The Hall Of The Mountains" by Grieg. But in Youtube, it says copyrighted an unknown song that's "HELLRAISER".



10보석 3왕관 클리어


  • Cheetah did make Frankensteins not creepier.
  • This level's song is also similar to Terraria's theme songs, the only difference is that it has more orchestra.
  • The levels name was supposedly, at one point Halloween as seen in this tweet:
  • "【Make your choice】

-What character should come along with Helloween ?
-Shall this “eyeball” be the one ?
-comment“Yes”if like it,otherwise comment“No”and share your opinions with us !"

  • At 60 to 61%, small bits of Street Basketball can be heard.
  • At 60% small bits of Reggae are heard.