Rolling Sky Wikia

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Rolling Sky Wikia

Gold Ruins is Matrix's main theme and Cube's secondary theme. Its obstacles are similar to Vanilla Ruins'. When the ball enters this theme, it becomes blue. This theme also makes a cameo in Eternal Journey.


  • Tiles color: Light yellow
  • Background color: Golden yellow
  • Laser color: Yellow
  • Jump pad color: Bluish green
  • Ball color: Blue
  • Diamond color: Blue
  • Mover and auto mover color: Orange


  • This is one of the many themes to have the same mover and auto mover color.
  • This theme’s Rolling Lounge name is “Matrix Metropolis”.


Theme Navigation
Hover over a marker to see information
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Mountains | Universe | Forest | Snowhill | Inferno | Desert | Dark Universe | Noir City# | Colored City# | Semi-Colored City# | Daytime Tech# | Nighttime Tech# | Malfunctioning Tech# | Classical Tetris# | Coloured Tetris | Daytime Candy | Midnight Candy | Mixed Beat | Dark Beat | Blue Beat | Red BeatX | Purple Beat# | Sky Castle | Sunset Sky Castle# X | Midnight Sky Castle# | Skeleton Night | Hurricane Night | Forest Night | Alien Territory | Planetary Fortress | Winter Night | Purpur Winter | Bamboo | Redwood | Gamer Origins | Team Play | Country Battlefield | Vanilla Ruins | Gold Ruins | Castle Poker | Castle JOKER | Jamaican Forest | Dubstep Forest | Vanilla Palace | Sky Palace | Fire Basketball Alley | Neon Basketball Alley | Deviled City | Rising Graveyard | Pumpkin Forest | Vortex Korea | Vernon Korea | Christmas Night | Christmas Winter | Clouds in the City# | Ultrasonic | Discopower | Echolings | Viable Echolings# | Sandstone Keops | Neon Keops | Outside Circus | Inside Circus | Nighttime Soccer | Daytime Soccer | The Lost City Of Walkers | Surrounding Walkers | Starry Wind | Golden Darkside# X | Faded Time | Calling All WalkersX | Pray To Alan WalkerX | Walkers ReuniteX | 3 Years | Anniversary 2018 | Pumpkin Alley | Skeleton Alley | Gold Urban Christmas | Purpur Urban Christmas | Red Marshmello | Green Marshmello | Sync Marshmello | Purpur Temple | Gold Temple | Ocean Spectre | Blood Spectre | Stadium Daytime | Stadium Midnight | Ruby Ship | Sapphire Ship | Function Overload | Processor Overload | Orange Cube# | Purple Cube | Game On | Welcome to Virtual Reality | Jade Disco | Amethyst Disco | 4 Years | Anniversary 2019 | Death's Garden | Cursed Taiga | Dawn | Sunset | Aurora Night | Snowy Peak | Solar System | DJ Cosmos | Fast Food Paradise | Dessert Paradise | Deep Waters | Purpur Waters | Shallow Waters# | Dark Steam | Golden Steam | Daytime Samurai | Nighttime Samurai | Monster Celebration | Colorful Monster City | Sun Rabbit | Moon Rabbit | Twilight Rabbit* | Deep Cave- | Neon Cave- | Emerald Cave- | Inside Pyramid- | Outside Pyramid- | Pink Music Party- | Purple Music Party- | Lunar Horizon | Solar Horizon | Astral Horizon | 7 Years- | Anniversary 2022- | Blue Network- | Red Network- | Navy Chessboard | Scarlet Chessboard | Turquoise Laboratory& | Cerise Laboratory& | Crimson Laboratory&# | Chlorophyll Jungle | Bloodmoon Jungle | 8 Years | Anniversary 2023 | Rolling For Eight Years | 2023 Birthday Celebration | Tiki Daytime& | Tiki Midnight& | Diamond Eclipse- | Golden Eclipse- | Summer Breeze- | Winter Breeze- | Ochre Tech Realm& | Beryl Tech Realm& | Sakura Garden | Wisteria Garden | Candlelight Mexico | Graveyard Mexico | Violet Melody& | Vermillion Melody& | Copper Melody&# | Hot Bionic Planet | Cold Bionic Planet | Maroon Theatre& | Indigo Theatre& | Ice Mountain | Emerald Mountain | Dove Mountain | Sunlit Sky& | Moonlit Sky& | Greenlit Console | Luminescent Console | Lilac Castle | Mint Castle | Knit Palace& | Knit Celebration& | Sunset Brazil | Daylight Brazil

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