Rolling Sky Wikia

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Rolling Sky Wikia

 8Bits was the first level in Rolling Sky that was only accessible via the Level Menu. It is now accessible in the home menu and the level menu after they put the levels and the bonuses together, and changed the level sequel to be based on difficulty.


  • This level looks like an easier version of Level 16: 1UP.
  • This level's music is also made by F-777. The song's name is called 'Mutiny', and it's from their album Pirate Dance Machine.
  • Multiple video game Easter eggs appear in this level, like Pac-Man ghosts, Galaga space ships, and more.
  • Despite being a remix of an F-777 song, the artist is not credited in the bottom of the screen, unlike levels like Kung-Fu and Candy.
  • This is the only 1 star level that has crowns (comes in the form of Mystery Boxes).
  • The level of difficulty is fixed to 1 star, due to a new update released. (It used to be 2 stars.)

Object Costumes

In this level, Wheels are disguised as ghosts, which are weaker than original wheels; Towers (although they didn't make a big appearance) are disguised as spaceships; and Droppies are disguised as temporary Arcade Bees which fall to the ground after death.
